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Treasure Hacks Team

Brandon Joe

Brandon Joe

Co-Founder and CEO

Brandon Joe is second year student at UC San Diego. With a background in CS, Marketing, and Sales, he found that soft skills changed his success in these fields and now strives to teach it to others.

Brandon Joe

Ethan Wang

Co-Founder and CTO

Ethan Wang is a second year Computer Science student at UCI. He believes presenting is crucial to sharing his passion and knowledge, and he hopes to help others communicate their ideas effectively.

Brandon Joe

Ethan Kosaki

Co-Founder and CFO

Ethan Kosaki is a second year student studying CS and Business Management. He hopes to help students become confident in their ability to network with professionals and implement their ideas.

Anthony Jenanian

Anthony Jenanian

Software Engineer

Ethan Xie

Ethan Xie

Software Engineer

Madison Plotkin

Madison Plotkin

Lead Designer